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Passive Infrared (PIR) Motion Detectors are used to sense human motion in a broad field of view. In this project we will hook a PIR to the Arduino and use it to move a servo whenever motion is detected.
In addition to a Shrimpware BreadBox with a sensor shield you will also need:
Soldering iron, wire cutters, wire strippers, electrical tape, Phillips screw driver
Initialized Time waiting: 1001 Time waiting: 2002 Time waiting: 3003 Time waiting: 4004 Ready
Point the dome of the PIR away from you and anyone else. Wait for the serial monitor to display "Ready". Now move your hand in front of the PIR. The Serial monitor should display "Motion Detected! Waiting for delay timer." Once the delay timer is over you will see "Motion Stopped." Then the serial monitor should display a count down of 4, 3, 2, 1 and display "Ready" again. Here's a little movie of it in action.
This is the typical cycle for the PIR software I've provided.
You can increase the time indicated in step 4 above by turning the delay potentiometer clockwise. I moved it about 25% of a rotation and the motion reporting time was increased to about 45 seconds. All the way to the right is about 300 seconds. A short time is good for reacting to motion starts and stops. A long time is good for running a device - imagine turning on a video recorder whenever motion is reported.
The other potentiometer adjusts the sensitivity of the detector. According to the vendor sensitivity can be adjusted between 0.7 meters and 6.5 meters. For me, in practice, the detector was always sensitive to motion even when it was set low and I was across the room.
/* * PIR Motion Sense and then Move Servo 3 * Jim Schrempp 2013 */ #include<Servo.h> int ledPin = 13; // choose the pin for the LED int inputPin = 2; // choose the input pin (for PIR sensor) int pirState = LOW; // we start, assuming no motion detected int val = 0; // variable for reading the pin status long timeOfLastChange = 0; // how long did the detection or no-detection last. long lastPrintTime = 0; // last time we printed the countDownTimer long timeOfMovementStopped = 999999; // the time when we last transitioned to stop boolean readyMessageSent = false; // when true we need to send a ready again message const long c_waitTimeMilliseconds = 4000; // number of milliseconds after motion stops before it can be detected again Servo servo3; const int c_servoPositionWhenMotion = 0; const int c_servoPositionNoMotion = 90; void setup() { pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // declare LED as output pinMode(inputPin, INPUT); // declare sensor as input Serial.begin(57600); servo3.attach(3); servo3.write(c_servoPositionNoMotion); timeOfMovementStopped = millis(); Serial.println ("Test program for Passive Infrared Detector"); Serial.println ("Adjustments:"); Serial.println (""); Serial.println (" pot1 pot2 "); Serial.println ("------------------"); Serial.println (" xxxxxxxxxxxx"); Serial.println (" xxxxxxxx"); Serial.println (" xxxxx"); Serial.println (""); Serial.println ("pot1: sensitivity."); Serial.println ("pot2: how long it holds high after detect. 0 - 300 seconds. clockwise is longer."); Serial.println (""); Serial.println("Initialized"); } void loop(){ val = digitalRead(inputPin); // read input value long currentTime = millis(); // If the state has changed from High to Low, we tell how long it stayed High // This time is controlled by the position of Potentiometer 2. if (val != pirState) { // state has changed if (pirState == HIGH) { Serial.print ("Time high "); float elapsedTime = (currentTime - timeOfLastChange) / 1000; Serial.println (elapsedTime); } timeOfLastChange = currentTime; } // If the state has changed, then we will move the servo if (val == HIGH) { // check if the input is HIGH if (pirState == LOW) { // we have just turned on Serial.println("Motion detected! Pot2 hold timer running."); pirState = HIGH; servo3.write(c_servoPositionWhenMotion); timeOfLastChange = currentTime; } } else { if (pirState == HIGH){ // we have just turned off Serial.println("Motion ended! Now wait."); pirState = LOW; servo3.write(c_servoPositionNoMotion); timeOfLastChange = currentTime; timeOfMovementStopped = currentTime; readyMessageSent = false; } } if (currentTime - timeOfMovementStopped <= c_waitTimeMilliseconds + 25) { // less than the wait time to detect new movement if (currentTime - lastPrintTime > 1000) { // print only once a second Serial.print ("Time waiting: "); Serial.println (currentTime - timeOfMovementStopped); lastPrintTime = currentTime; } } else { if (!readyMessageSent) { Serial.println ("Ready"); Serial.println (" "); readyMessageSent = true; } } }
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